Examine Consider Act

There Is No Planet “B” in our Solar System

Misused Earth



Water/Ocean Pollution

Depleted Uranium

Toxic Wastes

Toxic Materials

Environmental  Protection Agencies





Knowing is not enough;

.......we must apply.

Willing is not enough;

.......we must do.



Space trash

............................................... ................

Debris and junk surrounding our home; they are a collection of obsolete satellites, rocket stages, explosion and collision fragments, slag and dust from solid rocket motors, and so on....debris is a potential collision risk with other space ships.

Examine the Earth before we applied our footprint;

Consider our effects recently;

What Actions should we take to prevent more damage than we have already done...


Howling for Life


Our Plundered Earth

When you follow these links, in the page you come to, there are other suggestions listed down the right side. Explore these as well; some of them are very intriguing. Examine the Earth before we applied our footprint; Consider our effects recently; What Actions should we take to prevent more damage than we have already done.....
Nasreen Pejvack-Copyright© 2011 - 2024 All Rights Reserve